About the treatment

  • Reduces Dark circles
  • Cell regeneration
  • Lift, Firm and Tones the Eyes

Radiofrequency Eye treatment

Tripolar small RF for face and eye around

The A tripolar facial lifting procedure is proven safe and effective, delivering results at a fraction of the cost of traditional procedures. It can removal wrinkle and tighten skin, lighten, shrink pores, crow’s-feet, removal face edema, removal face toxin, lifting face, neck care, removal neck wrinkle, tighten.

Does it hurt?

No, it does not.  Most clients tolerate the treatment very well and most finding it very relaxing.  The sensation experienced is slightly scratchy and warming but this disappears very quickly once the treatment is finished.  Although a difference can be seen after only one treatment, a course of treatments is recommended to achieve deeper longer lasting results.  The average complete cell turnover is four to five weeks and it will be at the end of this time that the full results can be seen. The treatments consists of, cleanse, Microdermabrasion, tripolar Radiofrequency. This treatment will specifically help with lines and Dark circles.

How often do I need a treatment?

Once the cosmetic treatment practitioner has established your requirements from the treatment, they will recommend a treatment programme.  The typical length of time between treatments is 7 to 14 days apart. Most clients have this once a month, A good pick me up eye treatment..

Do I need maintenance treatment after my course?

Yes, we do advise that you maintain your results with regular treatments, ideally once a month

How long does the treatment take?

Approximately  30 minutes, so it is very quick and is safe for you to apply your makeup immediately after treatment.

What should I do after the treatment?

The cosmetic treatment practitioner will provide a full sheet of aftercare instructions and will recommend an eye cream that will need to be used day and night.