FAQ; Removal of Skin Blemishes

Advance Diathermy techniques were used in the late 1800s

Advance Diathermy treated the following treatment

Facial Thread veins

Theses are broken capillaries but rather permanent dilated capillaries, They are very thin walls which constantly dilate and constrict. There are numerous causes e.g. sun damage ageing, harsh weather, pregnancy, smoking, rubbing of spectacles

Spider Naevus

A spider Naevus is a central dilated blood vessel with smaller capillaries radiating from its legs of a spider.

Campbell de morgan (blood Spots)

Bright red, superficial vascular blemishes these are often dome shaped or slightly raised and are frequently found on the midriff, most people aged over 30 have at least one and are often more common in men then women.

Skin tags

Skin tags are common and are most frequently found on the neck and face, They are often like a mushroom and vary from size from a tiny speck smaller then a grain of rice, to the size of a large pea or even larger. They are ofter found in areas of friction such as the underarm, groin, under the breasts or around the neck where necklaces may irritate.


These are tiny white, hard, round spots containing keratin which lie superficially under the surface of the skin, the exact cause is unknown although they are often associated with dry, dehydrated skin, high cholesterol diet or excessive intake of vitamin c.

Hair in Moles

Hairs in moles are often deep anagen terminal hair with a very rich blood supply and may need several treatment. Moles can reduce in size and colour.


Moles are common small blemishes on the skin which usually appear in the first few decades of life. Moles vary in size and colour and often develop long terminal hair due to their well developed vascular blood supply.


Common Warts are firm, raised growths often with a rough, dry, crusty surface which resemble a vert small cauliflower or a solid blister.

Plane warts are small flesh coloured or pigmented blemishes, very slightly raised, often dry and crusty, flat topped lesions, which most commonly appear on the décolletage.

Both are contagious and may occur anywhere

Verruca (planter warts)

Verrucae develop on the soles and toes of the feet, it starts as a tiny pink area which may be speckled with black dots and can become dark and rough crumbly layer of the skin with a ‘pepper pot’ appearance, Verrucae vary in size from a pin head to a large mosaic verrucae covering whole sections of the sole and can be extremely painful.


Xanthelasma are deposits of fatty material, under the surface of the skin ranging in size from very small up to one inch in diameter,


Syringomas are non-contagious flesh coloured elevation of the skin. They are benign tumours of the eccrine seat glands and mainly appear under the eye. Other common locations are foreheads, chest cheeks and abdomen.

Sebaceous hyperplasia

Sebaceous hyperplasia is a common non- contagious benign condition, it is inflammation of sebaceous glands in adults or middle age or older. Lesions can be single or multiple and manifest as yellowish, softy, small papules on the face

Sebaceous cysts

Sebaceous cysts are usually growing, painless, freely moveable lumps beneath the skin varying in size from small pea to clenched fist size or larger. Occasionally a cyst will become inflamed or tender.

Seborrheic keratosis

Seborrheic keratosis has a rough dry crusty surface, and range in colour from light brown to almost black.

Age spots

Age spots are flat pigmented blemishes that occur on the skin. They range in colour from light brown to dark brown and are located in areas most often exposed to the sun, particularly the hands, face, shoulder, arms, and forehead

Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra

DPN is a common condition consisting of  one of many small, dark popular lesions on the face and upper body appear on dark skin type.

How is the treatment carried out?

The number of treatments required varies with each client. A Tiny Sterilise needle is used with a burst of energy, This is released into or onto the blemish depending on the procedure your require, Generally this has a result of cauterization or coagulation on skin tissue and produces a effective results. Repeat treatment may be required for some procedures

How long does Diathermy last?

Diathermy treatments are safe and effective and offer instant results in some cases. Length of treatment depends upon the blemish

Is Diathermy painful?

Most of our clients comment that Diathermy was not as bad as they had heard. The best way we can describe the sensation, is to compare it to the sensation of a hair being plucked out or a pin prick. This is not a comfortable sensation but most would agree that it is hardly unbearable.

Does Diathermy damage the skin?

Immediately following treatment, there may be a slight redness and/or swelling which usually disappears within a few hours. Occasionally, small whiteheads or tiny scabs may occur. It is important to remember that scabs are a part of the normal healing process and will not cause any permanent damage if they are not picked off.