4D HIFU is an advances cosmetic technology, which can significantly tighten and lift several areas of the face, and reduce the signs of ageing, plus  Body sculpting is used for stubborn fat reduction on the abdomen, arms, waist and buttocks and other areas; fat reduction and improvement of the appearance of cellulite on the thighs, and skin tightening – such as the improvement in the appearance of wrinkly skin on the tummy, upper arms or decolletage. Using cartridges which target different depths, different concerns can be addressed -either the destruction of fat cells for an improved sihouette or the stimulation of collagen to rejuvenate sagging skin.

This treatment directly touches on the

  • Neck and jaw line by tightening the muscles
  • Nose and mouth by reducing the line across the two.
  • Mid-face Contouring
  • Jowls which are lifted and tightened.
  • Eyelids – hooded eyelids are reduced and tightened.
  • Reduction of the Nasolabial fold.
  • General skin tightening, cellulite and rejuvenation for the full body.

How long does one wait to see results?

2 weeks to 3 months

Who is eligible for HIFU treatment?

Skin tightening has no specific age or gender limitation. Anyone in need of beauty advancement can get the procedure done. we will only treat people over the age of 18.